How can it possibly be the end of the school year? Your little ones have grown and learned so much – from the babies who are now toddling to the 4 year olds who will proudly march off to kindergarten in a few months. I heard something about the years that we spend with young children — the days are LONG, but the years go by fast. It is so true.
Here at FUMP, we have much to be thankful for as the year draws to a close. First of all, thanks to our wonderful, dedicated teachers! They spend hours upon hours preparing and planning their classrooms activities so that the time they spend with your children is of the highest quality. So many of them devote their time and resources well beyond our core program hours to make FUMP a haven for young children. I can’t say enough great things about our staff! Thank you for a great year!
I would also like to thank our parents. As we recently wrapped up parent conferences and our preschool work day, it simply highlights that our parents are not only involved in their child’s growth and development, but they are invested in their preschool as well. Thank you for your continued support.
I also need to send a shout out to our FUMP board members as well. This particular group of parents give many hours of their time to board committee work and I could not possibly be as effective without their help.
One last heartfelt thank you to Ann Quass, our preschool office assistant. After 12 years of service to FUMP, she is moving on to a new full-time position in the Austin area. She has been a parent to FUMP graduates Adam and Ryan, a FUMP board member, and has been my right hand for the last 11 years. She has been helpful, thoughtful, dedicated, efficient, warm, and
always ready for a good laugh throughout her tenure here. She will be greatly missed by parents, children, teachers and most especially by me. We wish her the very best in her endeavors.
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We are most privileged to do so.