It is parent conference time! On Thursday and Friday, we will hold parent-teacher conferences. This is our opportunity to share more information about your child’s growth and development throughout the school year. Please note that we will not have regular classes, only child care during your conference time.
Are you still considering options for summer? We have a handful of openings in our summer program. Email or stop by the preschool office to sign up for our fun in the sun!
This week we will have Chapel with Ms. Lara.
Also, you may notice a treasure box in the main hallway this week for the Pickle Elementary Book Drive. FUMC sponsors this event, and we encourage you to participate! Donate the books your kids read this school year to students at Pickle Elementary who need books for summer reading. Books sell for 25 cents. Kids love dinosaurs, animals and insects, monsters, fairytale, adventure, mystery, sports, and exploration books. Only current titles or popular classics please. Spanish language books especially appreciated.
Happy Birthday to Ms. Kathy on May 5.
Final invoices for the school year will be sent out this week. Please read the following information carefully.
- If you have enrolled your child in the 2019-2020 school year, you will pay your tuition deposit this month.
- No regular tuition is due for May. We are applying your May 2018 payment to this month.
- May 2019 Before and After School Year payments have also been applied.
- Any other adjustments to your child’s ledger should be reflected in your invoice as well.
- Departing from FUMP? No tuition is due at this time.
Have a wonderful week!