Spring has sprung! It is a beautiful morning in Austin, Texas. We are looking forward to a week of fun.
- Today, all of our classes will have Music with Ms. Amanda.
- The Austin Nature and Science Center will be here on Friday with Frogs and Toads. Ribbit!
- Summer registration is complete and I am glad to announce that all families received their first choice of placements. Registration for summer BSC/ASC and Pizza Mondays will be held in late May.
- If you are looking for information about Vacation Bible School for children who will be four in June, check out the FUMC VBS page; registration is now underway.
- Watch for an updated FUMP Directory in your email this week. We are pleased to have had a new families join us recently, so be on the lookout for that to come your way.
- I have to take a moment to send a shout out to our fantastic teachers. As a part of our Texas Rising Star certification, each of our classes underwent a two hour observation using the research-based CLASS framework tool, which measures the quality of instruction and teacher/child interactions. I just received the results. Our teachers scored exceptionally well, with our highest scores related to Responsive Caregiving and Emotional and Behavioral Support. (She was actually present for the gas leak evacuation and was so impressed with our teachers’ calm and orderly evacuation, although there were no points for that event!) I am super proud of our staff for the kudos they well deserve for their exceptional work with children each day.
Have a wonderful week.