As your child prepares to leave First United Methodist Preschool, consider an inaugural gift to the new Alumni Fund in celebration of his or her years at FUMP.
As students move beyond our halls and classrooms, they take with them countless skills, lessons, and friendships. We invite FUMP families and friends to make a contribution to our new Alumni Fund in honor of their child’s experience at FUMP.
FUMP receives no financial support outside the First United Methodist community, and relies on annual giving and fundraisers to supplement the operating budget. With the creation of the Alumni Fund, our goal is to support capitol improvements to our facility and to our program. Gifts to the alumni fund are unrestricted and their use will be allocated by the determination of the FUMP Director and Preschool Board.
The suggested donation amount is your child’s monthly tuition; one final, bonus payment to ensure that FUMP continues to grow and thrive just as it’s students do.
Donations are welcomed and encouraged in any amount, and every gift, no matter what size, contributes to the growth and development of our children, our teachers, and our program. We are pleased to receive contributions from alumni, grandparents, and other extended family members.
Payments may be made via by personal check or on our website here: ONLINE DONATIONS. All gifts to the Annual Fund are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Once a FUMP family, always a FUMP family, and we want to thank you for your years of support. We are extremely grateful for the gift of your time, the gift of your financial contributions, and most of all, the gift of your children.