Parking in downtown Austin can be a challenge! We happily share our parking lot with our parents. Here are photos of our parking lot with helpful hints for parents. Please feel free to share this link with nannies, sitters, and grandparents too!
Please note that there is metered parking on the north, east, and south sides of FUMP.
Have you considered using Austin’s METRORAPID transit option? It stops at our block, is free for UT, ACC, and City of Austin employees, and saves you from parking at all! Check out the METRORAPID page for more information
*****Children should NEVER be left unattended in cars in the parking lot!***** Ask a FUMP parent to stay with your children if you need to enter the building. Leaving children unattended in vehicles is unsafe and considered child endangerment. Thank you for your cooperation.
Below are photos of our parking lot with descriptions of available spots. Also, please be speedy during arrival and departure. This helps free up spaces in our lot.
FUMP Teacher Spaces. You are encouraged to double park behind these spaces during drop off and pick up. If you pull into a teacher space (marked “Preschool 8-2), you risk being blocked in by a parent opting to double park. If you are blocked in, please plan to wait until the parent arrives patiently.
Parking by the HVAC unit is just fine.
Church Staff Parking Spaces. You may park in these spots as they are available.
Please DO NOT block the entrance to the lot! This prevents cars from backing up along Colorado Street.
Trial Lawyers Parking.
When you enter our parking lot, these are the first five spaces on the right. DO NOT double park behind these spaces.
Thank you for your cooperation!